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Strong Moroccan recipes to lighten the color of the skin

  Strong Moroccan recipes to lighten the color of the skin

 Strong Moroccan recipes to lighten the color of the skin

Elements of the subject

1_ darkening of the skin

2_ Moroccan recipes for whitening the skin

1_ darkening of the skin

Darkening of the skin is one of the aesthetic problems that many people suffer from, as it is usually the result of constant exposure to sunlight, as this leads to an increase in the percentage of melanin pigment that is secreted in the body, and thus the skin turns brown.

We offer you a set of Moroccan mixtures with whiteness for the skin.

2_ Moroccan recipes for whitening the skin

Mixture of flour and honey

the ingredients:

Flour (four tablespoons)

Half a cup of cold milk

Lemon juice (two tablespoons)

Half a teaspoon of honey

2 tablespoons of lukewarm water

How to prepare:

To make a spreadable dough, mix all ingredients in a large mixing bowl.

Apply the mask to your face and leave it for 15 minutes.

Note the result after rinsing the skin with lukewarm water.


If the dough is too wet, a little flour can be added, but if it is too dry, milk can be added.

A mixture of clay and milk

the ingredients:

Moroccan clay cup.

Half a cup of yogurt

Potatoes, cooked in half a cup of water

How to prepare:

In a glass or plastic bowl, mix the ingredients well.

Leave the mixture for five minutes, or until all the ingredients are evenly distributed.

Apply the mask to your face and leave it for 15 minutes.

The face should be washed with warm water.

Add a moisturizer to the skin or use rose water to wipe it off.

Face whitening with turmeric and honey

The use of turmeric and honey for the face is one of the most famous cosmetic recipes, as they provide many benefits for the skin, as they contain antioxidants that help maintain the health of the skin, and here is how the mask works:

the ingredients:

1 teaspoon turmeric powder

Milk (six teaspoons)

honey (two teaspoons)

How to prepare:

Mix the ingredients together until smooth, then apply it on your face. After half an hour of waiting, rinse with soap and water.

Dry your face well before wiping it with rose water.

These recipes may not be suitable for certain skin types, such as sensitive skin or those with certain skin conditions, so if you have a health condition or skin problems, talk to your doctor.

In this topic, we have provided you with the best Moroccan recipes to lighten the skin color .

mohamed kadi 1 dec 2021
