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Effective home remedies for sore throat

Effective home remedies for sore throat
Effective home remedies for sore throat

  • Sore throat 

Cases of sore throat abound, especially in winter, and it is often caused by a viral infection, such as flu and cold, but it may be caused by a bacterial infection in fewer cases, sore throat and inflammation disappear about a week after infection, but since it is very painful and unpleasant for the sufferer, several home recipes can be used that may help alleviate the problem.

  • Treat sore throat naturally at home

The following home methods can be tried to relieve sore throat:

Gargling with water and salt 

One of the most popular ways to relieve throat pain is gargling with salt water, by mixing 0.5-1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, and gargling with the solution almost every hour for several days, which is useful for relieving pain and diluting sputum.


Honey is distinguished by its soothing properties for the throat, its ability to resist infections and coughs, so two tablespoons of honey can be mixed with warm water or tea and drunk, but care should be taken here not to give honey to children under a year.


A teaspoon of lemon juice, a teaspoon of honey, a pinch of ginger and a pinch of chili flakes are placed in a glass of warm water and the mixture is drunk.

Sucking snow 

It is considered one of the easiest ways, since all we need is to suck a slice or a small piece of ice to relieve throat pain, or you can go to the pharmacy to buy throat relief tablets as well.


You can drink various kinds of warm drinks that help to feel comfortable, have properties that help relieve throat pain, fight infections, and you can drink any of your favorite teas, be it green or black tea, chamomile, mint and others.

Air humidifier 

Dry air increases irritation and pain in the throat, so it is preferable to use an air humidifier in the room, and if it is not available, it is possible to simply stay for a few minutes in the steam bath, preferably avoiding various irritants, the main of which are smoking, or chemicalsa.

  • When should I see a doctor 

We mentioned earlier that sore throat is caused by a viral infection in most cases , but there are some cases that are caused by a bacterial infection, and therefore it is necessary to see a doctor in this case to distribute the appropriate type of antibiotic according to the situation, and you should also see a doctor in the following cases:

  1. Persistent throat pain for more than a week without any improvement .
  2. The appearance of blood in saliva, or spitting blood during coughing. 
  3. The appearance of white spots behind the throat. 
  4. Elevated body temperature. 
  5. Difficulty swallowing or opening the mouth. 
  6. neck-based salivary gland enlargement
  7. Hoarseness of voice for more than two weeks.

