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Causes of insomnia in women

Causes of insomnia in women


1_ Insomnia in women

2_ Causes of insomnia in women

3_ Diagnosis of insomnia

1_ Insomnia in women

Insomnia is described as the inability to fall asleep, waking up much earlier than usual, or feeling restless after waking up, at least three days a week and for at least three months. Insomnia is one of the most common sleep difficulties, affecting women more than men, as it is believed that the proportion of women who suffer from insomnia is about 25%, and the risk of developing insomnia in women increases with age, and women need at least 7 hours of sleep. It should be noted that long-term chronic insomnia may increase the risk of certain health conditions such as heart disease, stroke and depression.

2_ Causes of insomnia in women

Insomnia is classified into two types: primary insomnia and secondary insomnia. Primary insomnia can occur for no apparent reason, or it can be the result of changes in an individual's daily lifestyle, such as travel, or exposure to stress. Secondary insomnia is insomnia caused by a condition that led to it, and it can be transient or chronic depending on the cause. Here are some causes of secondary insomnia:


For example, if you spend a lot of time talking to friends at night, working long hours, controlling children, and you are at home, be sure to do some exercises and relaxation activities to help improve sleep quality.

Hormonal imbalance:

In addition to other symptoms, hormonal changes in women during the menstrual cycle may cause insomnia, and postmenopausal women are more likely to develop insomnia.

It should be noted that there are various treatment techniques that help get rid of this problem and other symptoms accompanying it, so it is recommended to see a doctor in this case to determine the best treatment.

sleep problems:

Insomnia can be caused by one of the other sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, which is a temporary disturbance of breathing during sleep that causes the body to wake up in order to compensate for the lack of oxygen that has occurred. This condition can occur up to ten times a night in extreme cases. Another problem that may contribute to insomnia is the suffering of a person sleeping in the same room due to snoring or another sleep condition such as restless legs syndrome; It is a neurological disorder that is defined by the sensation of discomfort and an intense desire to move the feet.

traumatic accidents:

Many people develop insomnia as a result of seeing or experiencing a traumatic event, such as war, a traffic accident or a natural disaster, and this condition can be dealt with by taking some medications aimed at treating psychological distress.

Use of stimulants:

The caffeine and nicotine in tobacco products, as well as alcohol abuse, and while alcohol may cause drowsiness at first, make you wake up too early and not be able to get back to sleep.

sleeping places:

Insomnia and difficulty sleeping can be caused by sleeping in a high place, near bright lights, or on an uncomfortable bed.


Pregnancy is accompanied by some disorders that increase the possibility of waking up during sleep, such as leg cramps, lack of rest and the desire to urinate, and these disorders occur frequently in the last three months of pregnancy, and some hormonal changes after pregnancy, such as frequent awakening of the child, increase the problem of insomnia in the mother. 

Health problems:

Insomnia can be caused by a variety of health issues, including the following:


Some medicines have side effects.

Mental disorders such as depression and anxiety.

Brain diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.

A disease that causes chronic pain, such as arthritis.

Difficulty breathing, such as asthma

Thyroid hormone imbalance.

Apoplexy .

Gastrointestinal disorder such as heartburn.

3_ Diagnosis of insomnia

The prognosis of insomnia depends on the condition of the affected person, and there are a variety of diagnostic procedures that can be used in this scenario, including the following:

Clinical examination:

The doctor may resort to a clinical examination to detect other signs that may indicate a health problem that leads to insomnia.

In some cases, a blood test may also be done to detect some other health problems, such as thyroid disorders.

Sleep Habits Assessment:

The basic idea behind this form of diagnosis is to ask the affected doctor about his different sleep patterns, and the affected person may also fill out a specific questionnaire to answer these questions. In rare cases, the doctor may instruct the patient to keep track of all sleep notes in a dedicated notebook for two weeks.

sleep research

If the main cause of insomnia cannot be determined by previous tests, the affected person may need to sleep in a specialized facility to conduct a complete research on the nature of the person's sleep, especially if he suffers from one of the other sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea and restless legs syndrome, and is used to study the behavior of insomnia A person's sleep, heart rate, brain waves, eye movement, and body.

mohamed kadi 15 jan 2022
