Know the signs of pregnancy
Know the signs of pregnancy |
Elements of the subject
1_ definition of pregnancy
2_ The three stages of pregnancy
3_ symptoms of pregnancy
1_ definition of pregnancy
The term "pregnancy" refers to the period during which the fetus develops inside the female's uterus. Pregnancy lasts about 9 months or 40 weeks, measured from the first day of the last menstrual period.
Pregnancy is divided into three stages:
The first stage lasts from 1 to 12 weeks, the second stage lasts from 13 to 28 weeks, and the third stage lasts from 29 to 40 weeks of pregnancy.
2_ The three stages of pregnancy
Fetus is the name given to what the female carries from conception until birth. The medical and legal status of the fetus in different countries is determined by classifying the pregnancy period into three stages:
The first stage:
Miscarriage (the natural death of the fetus) is common at this stage.
The second phase:
It is possible to track the growth and development of the fetus.
The third level
It begins when the fetus is mature enough to be able to survive outside the woman's womb without medical help.
3_ symptoms of pregnancy
A change in the breasts during pregnancy, where the areola appears larger and darker, is one of the signs of pregnancy, and a home pregnancy test may be the best way to confirm whether you are pregnant or not, but you should wait at least until the first day of pregnancy until the end of your period, because This test does not confirm pregnancy before your period is due.
Usually, the first sign of pregnancy is a two-week delay in your period.
Nausea and vomiting are common throughout the first trimester of pregnancy (in the morning, when walking, or when getting out of bed).
A feeling of slight tingling and itching in the skin of the breast due to the increase in the volume of blood in the skin of the breast, especially around the nipple.
Excessive urination.
The temperature is higher than normal.
Pregnant craving: It is the pregnant woman's desire for some meals in particular, as well as her aversion to other foods.
Anxiety and irritability
abnormal sleep
Pain in the breast area
blood stains
The previous signs and symptoms are only signs that may be right or wrong, and despite the importance of paying attention to them, it is not correct to rely on them decisively, because a woman may feel all the signs and symptoms of pregnancy, but she is not pregnant.
In the event that subsequent examinations reveal that she is not pregnant, the woman should take into account that there may be psychological reasons why she is anxious to become pregnant or too afraid to become pregnant.
In this topic, we presented the most important signs of pregnancy in women.
mohamed kadi 9 dec 2021
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