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How to get rid of gray hair permanently

 How to get rid of gray hair permanently

 How to get rid of gray hair permanently

Elements of the subject

1_ How to get rid of gray hair permanently

2_ henna

3_black bean

4_ Important nutrients for treating gray hair

5_ Very important tips for treating white hair

1_ How to get rid of gray hair permanently

Graying can not be completely cured if it is caused by a genetic condition or aging factors, but it can be treated permanently if the cause is a medical disease that has been treated, and premature graying can also be treated permanently if there is a lack of nutrition or lack of vitamins that must be taken, in order to compensate Imperfection to solve the main problem.

2_ henna

Henna can be used to color hair to get rid of gray hair in the following way:

A cup of coffee or tea

Henna powder in sufficient quantities.

Extra virgin olive oil, 2 teaspoons

how to prepare:

Ingredients are combined to create a consistency similar to milk.

Cover the mixture and set it aside for 6 hours.

Apply the mixture to the hair after adding olive oil.

Leave the henna on the hair for (1-3) hours, depending on the desired color intensity.

3_ black bean

According to traditional Chinese medicine, black seed is considered one of the most effective foods in treating gray hair, especially early gray hair, because it stimulates the activity of cells responsible for the production of melanin, and it also contains many important nutrients such as phosphorous. . . Copper, protein and calcium. To use it to treat gray hair, take 1 tablespoon of black seed daily for at least three months, or apply black seed oil to the hair on a regular basis.

4_ Important nutrients for treating gray hair

Here are some of the most popular nutritious meals to treat gray hair:

Eat beans that are high in protein.

It is recommended to use oysters rich in zinc to maintain hair color.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is treated by eating large amounts of it, which leads to the growth of white hair.

It is recommended to eat foods that contain a high percentage of antioxidants, which are useful in reducing the appearance of gray hair, including:

Leafy greens, berries, grapes, and green tea are all good sources of antioxidants.

Here are some helpful tips for dealing with gray hair:

Hair should not be washed frequently. Wear a hat or scarf to protect your hair from the sun.

Soaps and shampoos that are full of chemicals should be avoided. When using a hot curling iron or hair dryer, avoid pulling on the hair.

When combing hair, avoid combing it and use a wide-tooth comb instead, especially if the hair is wet.

Quit smoking, as it causes severe damage to the body and hair, and the growth of gray hair.

In this topic, we have provided you with useful ways to get rid of white hair

mohamed kadi 7 dec 2021
