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How to tighten the face naturally

 How to tighten the face naturally

 How to tighten the face naturally

 Elements of the subject


1- face lift

2_ The most effective face lifting masks

3_ face-lift exercises

4_ Suggestions and tips to tighten the face


1- face lift

Although aging has a role in the appearance of wrinkles and drooping of some areas of the face and chin, there are a range of natural recipes and exercises that can be done daily to get a younger appearance.


2_ The most effective face lifting masks


Rice and cabbage mask


Cabbage leaves help prevent wrinkles, while oils moisturize the skin. The following steps are used to make this mask:




Two or three cabbage leaves.

Two teaspoons of rice flour

A few drops of olive oil or almond oil




Crush the cabbage leaves and mix with the rest of the ingredients.

Apply the paste on your face and wait for it to dry.

The face should be washed with lukewarm water.



If you have oily skin, skip the olive oil and add one egg white instead.


Banana mask


Bananas contain a high percentage of fats that nourish the skin and increase its elasticity, which leads to skin tightening.


To produce this mask, honey and olive oil are used to moisturize the face, both of which contain antioxidants that help in healing damaged cells.

The steps are as follows:



Half a ripe banana.

1 teaspoon olive oil (extra virgin)

honey spoon




To remove any clumps, mash the banana well.

You should add honey and olive oil at this point.

Apply the mask to your face and leave it for 15 minutes.

The face should be washed with cold water.

Repeat the recipe at least once a week.


egg mask


The most commonly used ingredient for skin tightening is eggs. This mask contains yogurt, which exfoliates the skin and removes dead skin cells, as well as sugar, which acts as a natural exfoliator for the skin and combats the signs of premature aging on the face.

The following steps are used to make this mask:


One egg white is required.

1 tablespoon of Greek yogurt

Quarter of a teaspoon of sugar



Combine egg whites, milk and sugar in a mixing bowl.

Apply the mask to your face and leave it for a few minutes to dry.

The face should be washed with lukewarm water.

You will see results within a few weeks if you repeat this method once a week.


oatmeal mask


Oatmeal absorbs all the dirt and impurities from the skin. It also contains antioxidants that relax the skin and prevent it from free radical damage. Honey helps prevent the visible signs of aging on the face.

The steps are as follows:




1 teaspoon oatmeal

1 tablespoon of chickpea flour

1 teaspoon bee honey

Rose water




Mix all ingredients together until a paste forms.

For 10 minutes, apply the mask to your face and neck.

The face should be washed with warm water.

Repeat the recipe at least once a week.


3_ face-lift exercises


Here are some face-lift exercises that you can try:


The chin is slightly raised, the thumb and middle finger gently press on the neck to create a space between the chin and the neck, then the mouth is closed with the teeth fixed on top of each other and the tongue pressed against the lower teeth, and the constriction of the fingers should be felt in the area between the chin and the neck, and continue in this position for 5 -10 seconds.


Removing tension by massaging the forehead several times a day, placing the fingers in the middle of the forehead and then straightening them towards the edges of the forehead, and the exercise is repeated three times a day. Then put the palm above the eyes, gently pull it on the sides of the cheeks with the fingertips, and repeat the method three times a day.


To tighten the area around the mouth and get rid of small lines, sit comfortably with the mouth closed and the lips tightened as much as possible, maintaining this position for 10 seconds and then relaxing. The procedure is carried out 10 to 20 times a day.


4_ Suggestions and tips to tighten the face


Here are some useful tips for a facelift:


Drink enough water to maintain the elasticity of the skin and tighten the face and neck, because water moisturizes and nourishes the body, and it is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.


Almond oil performs this function because it contains vitamin E and has moisturizing effects. It also tightens the skin around the lips and around the eyes which helps reduce wrinkles and fine lines on the face and neck.


To avoid the appearance of wrinkles, use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 and of excellent quality.


Eat healthy foods, such as fish, avocado, and flaxseeds to reduce wrinkles and fine lines on the face and neck. These foods contain fatty acids, such as omega-3, that keep the skin moisturized and give it softness and elasticity.


You should also eat foods that contain antioxidants and vitamins, such as fish, avocado, and flaxseeds to reduce wrinkles and fine lines on the face and neck.

Quit Smoking


Smoking is a major cause of skin damage, as it increases the color of brown collagen, making the skin saggy and making one look older.


Getting enough sleep every night is essential to maintaining healthy skin and preventing wrinkles. It's impossible to reap the benefits of any skin care program if you don't get enough sleep at night.


In this topic, we explained the best natural recipes and tips that work to remove facial wrinkles.



mohamed kadi 15 dec 2021

