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Easy ways to treat colds at home


Easy ways to treat colds at home
Easy ways to treat colds at home

  • Common cold 

Colds are one of the most widespread diseases among individuals, as they are more common in winter, due to various weather fluctuations; such as exposure to sunlight, or to a very cold air stream, and there are many symptoms that indicate that the infection is a cold; such as: body temperature rises significantly, stuffy nose, strong cough throughout the day, constant sneezing, severe headache, sore throat, so we will get acquainted with a set of natural home recipes that help treat colds.

  • Ways to treat a cold at home 


Honey is one of the natural recipes that quickly cures colds, because it contains antioxidants, inflammation and antiseptic substances that eliminate all dirt, germs and bacteria accumulated in the human body, and it can be used by mixing half a tablespoon of lemon juice with four teaspoons of honey, mixing it well to complete consistency, covering the resulting mixture, leaving it for five minutes, drinking the resulting drink directly, or by eating a tablespoon of honey.


Coconut is used by putting a sufficient amount of water on medium heat, leaving it to boil completely, adding six teaspoons of coconut, stirring well for a minute, leaving the resulting mixture on medium heat for five minutes, until it boils well, and eating a glass of the resulting mixture directly.


Garlic is one of the natural substances that treat many diseases suffered by many people, because it contains natural properties that remove from the body all the toxins and bacteria accumulated inside it, and this recipe is applied by peeling a sufficient amount of garlic, mash it well and eat it with a glass of water.


Onion is used by mixing six teaspoons of its fresh juice with two tablespoons of sugar or honey, heating the resulting mixture slightly, and eating it directly, taking into account that children and infants do not eat it.

