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The best way to deal with my husband's children

The best way to deal with my husband's children

The best way to deal with my husband's children


1_ Dealing with the children of the husband

2_ How to deal with the children of the husband or wife

1_ Dealing with the children of the husband

Some women marry a man who has children from a previous marriage, and the future woman refuses to deal with her husband's children. The prevailing stereotype about the stepmother is that she is an evil woman who does not love her husband's children, and she seeks to change this image in various ways. However, it takes a lot of effort to get children to embrace and love her in their lives, and in this article we will discuss several strategies for doing so.

2_ How to deal with the children of the husband or wife

Talk to your husband

To get started, talk with the husband to understand the role the wife should play in the family, find out what the husband expects from the wife in her relationship with the children, know the limits the husband wants in her relationship with the children, make all parenting decisions together, and ask him about the children's interests and hobbies.

Dealing with the children of the husband / wife

Take enough time:

The stepmother wants to quickly integrate into the family and win the love of children, although interpersonal relationships need time to grow and develop, and therefore they should not be rushed. It is worth noting that older children, especially teenagers, need more time.

Not thinking about taking the mother's place:

A stepmother should not expect to fill the position of mother in a short period of time, as it takes time and direction, especially with teenagers, to understand that the most important thing is to maintain a good and enjoyable relationship.

Encourage children to communicate openly:

By inquiring about children's feelings about something.

Do family activities.

 It is preferable to find common family activities and incorporate them into the new family traditions, such as cycling, cooking and playing group games, as long as the goal of these activities is to spend quality time with the whole family, not to gain their affection. . Children will quickly realize this.

Observe the customs and traditions of the historical family

Old family traditions should be upheld While the goal is to create a new loving family, respecting traditions is a great way to strengthen family ties, but creating new habits is acceptable.

Find out what the kids want.

Being considerate of children's needs, such as the following, increases the odds of creating a good family:

Feeling comfortable and safe.

sense of belonging

Sense of self-worth

Form an emotional connection with your family and pay attention to what they have to say.

Encouragement and appreciation

Setting boundaries can be difficult at first and children may reject them, so it is best to focus on setting boundaries with your spouse first.

 Fulfilling obligations and not threatening penalties

Stepchildren should not feel free to interact with the stepmother openly and honestly without fear of retribution, as this can help develop communication. She might tell them, "I care about you, and I want to know how you feel," and she has to keep her promises to the kids. To earn their trust and give them a sense of security.

Participate in activities where there are children

Children may be involved in various activities, such as participating in a soccer game or starring in a school play, and it would be helpful if the stepmother was present to support the child, as this might help her get closer to the child.

mohamed kadi 23 jan 2022
